Friday, April 26, 2019

Easter/School Photo

I really struggled with Easter this year. So much work, right after birthdays (that we haven't even fully celebrated yet). And I've taken on a lot of projects at work (would you actually expect anything different from me?) that I'm not working on, so I'm a little stressed about that. Throw in the kids' sports and our weekends have been a mess of late. Gareth decided we should celebrate his birthday on Easter, since weeknight celebrations have not been manageable in our house this year. Then he wanted coffee cake for Easter breakfast (but wasn't going to be around for breakfast since he was sleeping over at a friend's house, so we had it as his birthday cake after dinner instead). The day before Easter I ran to the store and grabbed a little candy and called it good at that. He wanted smoked gouda mac'n'cheese for dinner, which wasn't too much trouble except for needing to head to Costco to get the cheese. On Easter weekend.

All that to say, their Easter baskets were not very exciting this year. I'm very over doing them at all, but I know Malcolm would be disappointed if we didn't. We had nice weather, so I was able to put together an egg hunt for them, which I ended up being glad I did. We hadn't mowed the lawn yet this spring, so it was funny to watch them wade through the grass looking for eggs. Eggs that I'd worked to hide a little better this year since last year they were done in less than 5 minutes.

This egg hung out in plain site for about 20 minutes. I was standing right next to it and the kids stopped to talk with me a few times and still didn't notice it.

Gareth tried to steer away from the easier-to-find eggs, but the hardest to find ones still ended up getting left for Malcolm since they were hard for Gareth to find as well. After the hunt was over, we focused the rest of the day on Gareth.

Malcolm brought home his class photo the other day.

I commented that he didn't look very happy and he told me, "I didn't feel like making a happy face because they made me take my jacket off." The kid in front of him was wearing a jean jacket and his teacher was wearing a jacket as well, so he may have a legitimate point to be miffed about there. Regardless, it gives me a good laugh every time I see it.