Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Good Review

I came across this review of Twilight today and thought it was excellent. The book is brought to my attention now and again, so I'm always interested to see what others think of it. Since the author is a scholar in the children's lit. arena, she actually speaks with some expertise and knows how to express her thoughts about the book in an intelligent way, much better than I could do! I like that she balances the negative with some positive points as well, because they do exist. Though some of her points make it rather frightening that I keep seeing 11-year-olds toting copies of the book. Do the parents know what their child is reading?


Susan said...

Is it that the parents don't know? Or don't care? I wonder.

Michaela said...

It is definitely important to pay attention to what kids are reading. Hard to say where the lines are for each case though. But paying attention is definitely a beginning. Good luck as Gareth gets older! ALthough I can't see him wanting to read "Twilight"...

Alanna said...

Loved the review-- thanks for sharing it! I'm sort of perplexed by how many of my friends went nuts over these books. I enjoyed reading them, but didn't find them "life changing" or all that impressive. (And I really had some issues with Edward at the beginning, so it's nice to see someone else who finds him somewhat abusive... He did mellow out by the end, but still.)

The real question, though, Erin, is what did you think of the movie??? ;)

Erin said...

Uh, yeah, I don't ever plan on seeing the movie. Looked pretty dumb and I didn't even like the books, so no reason to. And the guy who plays Edward is in serious need of a better hair stylist. His hair is more frightening than Sweeney Todd's.

Sabrina said...

I watched the movie, and I want those two hours back. The acting was HORRIBLE, the actor was UGLY, the story plot was TERRIBLE, and I don't know what really else I can say about it. Bad, bad, bad. BAD. I'd suggest some sort of MST3K be done to it, but I wouldn't want anyone to have to suffer through that one.