Saturday, December 28, 2024

Fall 2024

I forgot to show off the pottery M brought home at Halloween - he's taking a ceramics elective this semester, and this mug was very fitting for the season:

I finally managed to get an action shot of M at fencing - this was the first week of his beginning epee class, moving up from the intro class and now required to have his own gear. He's the one advancing toward the right. Classes are currently off for the holidays and he was so disappointed that there wouldn't be class for a couple weeks.

This tree at work was stunning:

I spent time with Anne while cross-stitching - almost always under a blanket and with a cup of tea by my side. Maximum coziness.

Because my time off at Christmas/New Year's was going to be so spotty in order to accommodate my on-call schedule and co-workers' desired days off, I insisted they also give me the day before Thanksgiving off. I made rolls for the first time in years and made apple gooseberry and pumpkin pie. I messed up a bit on the apple-gooseberry. Couldn't remember what I usually brush the top with and used an egg wash, which I had from the rolls. This made it taste a bit funny because of course what I usually do is brush it with milk and a little sugar! And my cut out designs/vents got a little messed up when the bubbling filling expanded so much it broke the crust. Good thing I've got lots of gooseberries in the freezer, so I can keep working on perfecting the pie!

We also had pork tenderloin instead of turkey this year. M decided he doesn't like turkey all that much and G and Ryan didn't feel strongly about having it either. So we opted to go a little non-traditional. And for unknown reasons, I decided to add to my work the morning of Thanksgiving by making pice ar y maen for breakfast. They were delicious though, so worth it.

To wrap up fall, a couple months after starting it, I finished my latest cross-stitch project! Now I just need to wash the ones I've finished and take them to get framed...

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